Fight Back Against the Flu with the Sauna Suit

Fight Back Against the Flu with the Sauna Suit

The flu is an illness so annoying that it strikes in the winter then makes another surprise visit to many...
Cure a Hangover with the Sauna Suit

Cure a Hangover with the Sauna Suit

You had a rough week at work and so you decide to follow-up with a wild night to forget the...
Body Hacking 101 with a Sauna Suit

Body Hacking 101 with a Sauna Suit

For most people, the word “sauna” brings to mind a lot of things: a relaxing day at the spa or...
Growth Hormone Use: Is it Worth It? Does it Work?

Growth Hormone Use: Is it Worth It? Does it Work?

We all want to look better, feel younger, and live longer. It’s no surprise that people have been chasing after...
Cheat to Gain: 5 Smart Cheat Meals for Your Diet Plan

Cheat to Gain: 5 Smart Cheat Meals for Your Diet Plan

Anyone who has ever put themselves on a diet has come across the topic of the “cheat meal.” It’s that...
5 Things that Every Guy Needs in His Apartment

5 Things that Every Guy Needs in His Apartment

Guys, listen up: Take a look around your apartment. What do you see? If you’re staring at empty pizza boxes,...
4 Ways to Prepare for Runner's Race Season

4 Ways to Prepare for Runner's Race Season

Spring is here and we are well underway to getting closer to summer. For runners, late spring, all summer, and...
4 Weight Loss Solutions that Could Make You Gain Weight (& How to Avoid It)

4 Weight Loss Solutions that Could Make You Gain Weight (& How to Avoid It)

We’ve all heard of the low carb diet and the cheat day as ways to successfully achieve your goal weight....
How to Control Overeating – Top 5 Tricks

How to Control Overeating – Top 5 Tricks

Weight loss is the most popular and sought-after goal in fitness. Not only is it healthier to limit the amount...