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What can be accomplished using kutting weight products

I started using Kutting Weight Sauna Vest early 2018 at XXL now I'm down to a medium. At the time I weighed 380lbs, I had weight loss surgery due to a Military condition in March 2018. Using Kutting Weight contributed to a total weight loss of 192lbs. I competed in Bataan Death March 2019 using Kutting Weight products and Completed the Honorary Division in 4hrs 40mins. I plan on beating this time in 2020. Thanks Kutting Weight for your products!!!


Listen to what the champ hurricane gerald harris says

I wasn't a believer. This suit is cool and hot at the same time. I've lost more weight and felt better than I ever have before. I'm so used to the old school cheap sauna suits and this is a whole different type of technology. Dry, cool-type feeling—I can cut weight all day!


Ed grandpre's success story

My life has forever changed with the help of Kutting Weight. I went from a sad 285 lbs to 218 lbs in 6 months using their sauna suits, smarter eating, and simply walking. I originally purchased the One Piece Suit and now own the Men's Short Sleeve Top and Shorts. They are durable, high-quality products and create results.

I am 64 years old and spend more time with family and doing things I only dreamed of 6 months ago.

Thank you for giving me my life back.


Listen to what greg delsignore says

The suit is amazing. Very comfortable and makes quick weight cutting a breeze. Also very durable. Washes in a machine or hangs dry. Ordering a skull cap soon!


KW customer, anthony lewis loses 100+ pounds with the proper nutrition and the kutting weight sauna gear! read about his weight loss journey below!

My journey was a tough one but a necessary one. In 2012, my sister out of nowhere departed, it was a shock to the entire family. At the time, I was overweight drinking and eating, basically not caring about my physical appearance as life gets in the way.

However, after this tragedy, it lit a fire under my ass to get into shape and live a more healthy life. My kids and although I have no control over the day I'm to meet my maker...I have my parents to think of as nobody should have to bury their child. I made it a point to live healthy as I will be burying my parents and not the other way around. The thought of living healthy gives me solace that I will be the one to bury my parents.

So, I started working out six days a week cardio and weightlifting. Cut out all types of junk food including my favorite alcohol, red velvet cake, and diner food. I found myself like many dealing with stubborn excess weight and wanted to challenge myself so I purchased a sauna suit from Modells. Unfortunately, two days later it ripped and I returned it and it ripped again. Due to the fact that I was making returns constantly on this product, I went into depth research looking for a high-quality sauna suit.

In 2013, I found Kutting Weight and purchased the hat, shirt, and pants. It was definitely a sweaty workout but the quality was everything and more I was looking for and more.

As of 2015, I still have the same suit and recently just purchased the new line of Kutting Weight gear. I love my hoodie and my new gear.

I am proud to say that I am living strong and 100 pounds lighter. Thanks to Kutting Weight.


KW customer patrick tusa loses 80+ pounds with the help of the kutting weight sauna hoodie! see how he did it. keep up the great work patrick!

I have recently lost 80 pounds during the last 5 months! A few things that made this possible were competition, eating right, working out, and using my Kutting Weight Hoodie. I entered in a weight loss competition, which allowed me to be with a trainer for 5 months and train 5 days a week. Not only did I see my trainer, but I also worked out on my own and stayed on a strict meal plan. My meal plan was very high in protein and also low in carbs. The trick to changing how you eat is minimal cheating. I always had a treat on Friday nights but got back to business on Saturday. I always wore my Kutting Weight Hoodie and I regularly found that each of my workouts was more intense; leading to me feeling great at the end everyone. The Kutting Weights Hoodie allows you to not only do cardio but any activity that you want in a comfortable fashion. The greatest part about it is that you are trendy and can also withstand any workout! I used it for cross fit, running, training sessions, and weight lifting.


Congratulations carla - you are looking fantastic!

Only as old as you believe you are!!!

I am 50 (51 next month) and have always been able to drop weight in the past. However, age changes everything. What used to come easily was now impossible. I dieted and worked out and neither of those things was easy to do because of my job. I work on the road, so fast food 5 days a week and the long hours at work and long drives kept me from working out regularly. And the pounds piled on. When I saw picture #1 I was furious at myself and decided I would do whatever it took! I am more disciplined now and the Kutting Weight Suit has helped get me past plateaus that I have hit in the past to only give up. I have recommended the suit to everyone that tells me they are struggling. I am a fan and will wear it long into my 60's. NEVER GIVE UP!


Very true words and a fantastic testimonial from kutting weight customer, stu

My name is Stu and I became neurotic about fitness over 10 years ago. When I was younger I benefited from a quick metabolism, so my weight was never an issue. I was skinny for the first 18 years of my life having nothing to do with exercise or diet. In fact, exercise was non-existent and I ate everything, never once considering the repercussions of what I was doing to my body. Four years after graduating from high school I took up smoking and did so for the next nine years. No Exercise + Eating Excessively + Smoking Regularly = A Very Lethal Combination! At 5’11, 225lbs I was no longer the young kid with the quick metabolism. From what I’ve read, it’s common to replace cigarettes with food. Not only did I have to exercise regularly, but I also had to maintain a sensible diet if I wanted to make a change. A friend introduced me to the Kutting Weight Sauna Suit and I’ve incorporated it into my routine over the last three years. Without question, it has helped me achieve my fitness goals, but keep in mind the importance of having a sensible diet, exercising regularly and changing it up. That’s the only way you’ll achieve results. I’m now 42 years old and I weigh 165lbs. I’m in the best shape of my life today and tomorrow I will only be in better shape! Be realistic. Be patient. And good luck!!!


William's inspiring success story - read how he dramatically improved his health

William's weight loss story is incredibly inspiring and motivating. Needing to lose weight so that he may be approved for life-saving surgeries, William underwent gastric bypass surgery. After surgery, William knew it was going to take some drastic lifestyle changes for him to lose the necessary weight and to keep it off in the long term. It was then that he found Kutting Weight and look at him now - he has lost over 130 lbs and is doing amazingly! Congratulations William.


Check out charisse’s before and after photos and read her story below!

What an Amazing Transformation! This takes pure dedication and determination. Congratulations, you should be very proud!

Where did you start and what were your goals?

I started my journey in August 2013! I was tired of cropping pics and tired of being over 200 lbs, especially after my Florida vacation in August when I saw the pictures from the trip. I had had enough!

What was your workout regime and how often did you wear Kutting Weight?

I hired a trainer and got on a fitness regime and nutrition plan. I weight train and do 30 minutes of cardio in my first session and a second 35 minutes of cardio a day/6 times a week. On my second cardio for 35 minutes is when I incorporate my Kutting Weight Suit!

What changed about your lifestyle?

I had to give up alcohol and stick to my designated 6 meals a day! No more hanging out; I traded my lunch hour in the military for time at the gym.

What do you like most about Kutting Weight and how did it help you?

What I like most about KW is how I feel when it comes off after 30 minutes! Nothing makes me so satisfied when I squeeze my underwear out and sports bra and see all the sweat pour out!

What are your future goals?

Currently, my future goal is to compete in my first competition which is set for August 23 here in Utah, bikini level!

What advice would you give to someone starting out their Kutting Weight weight loss journey?

I have gotten other people to buy the suit! Five other people to be exact! I tell them is to start out slow if they're not used to being heated during working out, to work their way up slowly to the 30-minute mark.

Thank you KW for this amazing product! You have really helped me accelerate my dreams!


Jojo diaz (from the success story below) continues to persevere through her weight loss success & we couldn't be more proud!


"When I first started using Kutting Weight's product I started with a Men's Top 3XL and Pants 2XL now look at me now wearing WOMEN'S Top in large and Pants in a medium. I'm so happy with my progress."


Stephen's inspiring weight loss success story!

Meet Stephen and Learn How he went from 302lbs to 162lbs with the help of the Kutting Weight Clothing!

In 2009, I went on a trip to the Dominican Republic with my wife. On the beach, her cousin took a picture of us, the happy couple. Well, when I saw the picture, it smacked me in the face! I was huge! Big belly, saggy chest, no definition anywhere. I weighed in at 302 lbs. This was the defining moment the changed my life. I made a promise to myself that continues today. When I got back home to NY, I started to diet with no exercise because my knees couldn't bare the weight and repetitive motions. In the first 11 months, I lost about 65 lbs. It was a good start but certainly not enough. Then, I started running. I started with 2 miles every day. No matter how slow, no matter how I felt, I just ran. After a while, another 25 lbs dropped off. I became more knowledgeable about what foods to eat and caloric intake and how it will all fit in my life. However, no matter what I did, I couldn't drop any more weight. That was unacceptable. I wasn't at my goal yet. I had to do something. That's where Kutting Weight came in. Now, I was told that I was going to waste my time and money with a sauna suit because it was only going to take off water weight and that it would come right back. I didn't accept that either. Being a paramedic, I also knew that an increase in body temperature would increase my metabolism. So, as soon as my Kutting Weight Shirt and Pants came in the mail, I went right to work. Same day! Man, what a difference! Just as I suspected, I lost a BUNCH of water weight! However, as I also thought, I sped up my metabolism and it wasn't just water. Real fat came off as well! I was so happy with the results from the Kutting Weight products, I recommended them to all my friends at the gym and at work. Now, I thought that once I hit my goal weight of 162lbs, I would stop using the sauna suit. WRONG! I still use it for when I need that little extra in my routine. I'm so glad I purchased the Kutting Weight products. They helped change my life.


Justin morgan's amazing weight loss success story: how he did it with the help of the kutting weight clothing

Congratulations to Justin Morgan for all of his hard work and success. Keep up the great work Justin! You are an inspiration to many!

Read how Justin did it...!

I love and speak so highly of Kutting Weight's products. I love when people ask me about my suit at the gym. Recently, I even had the privilege of seeing another member of my local gym wearing one while we worked out. We had an instant bond over the product and discussed it for several minutes.

My weight loss story starts with the last week of September of 2012 when I weighed in at a horrible 320 lbs, so I knew it was time to take back control of my life. I told myself I was ready because I knew deep down that I could do anything if I put my mind to it. I had one last "unhealthy" weekend where I enjoyed some of my favorite foods. As soon as Monday came, I started my super healthy lifestyle with diet and working out. At first, all I did was cardio but I wasn't feeling like I maximized my time in the gym, so I started browsing the Internet. I came across Kutting Weight on Amazon and was very much intrigued so I checked out their website. I was a wrestler in high school, so I was very impressed with the product. The vinyl ones I have used always ripped after 2 or 3 days. I have been using your suit for months, 5-7 times a week with no problems. I love your suit as it helps me maintain a higher body temp while performing cardio. Eventually, when I moved into weight lifting around Feb, I got even better use out of the suit. It maximizes your body temp and keeps your heart rate up between sets, so it allows for cardio while lifting.

The suit, along with a healthy diet and working out, has changed my life. I am under 200 lbs for the first time since middle school. That's over ten years and I have never felt better in my life."


Meet vianney... and learn how kutting weight helped her!

My name is Vianney and I am a proud owner of a Kutting Weight product. Several months ago a friend came across your website. He was going to purchase the pants and shirt and I asked him to order me the pants. I was just beginning my prep for my first figure competition. I received my pants and wore them every single day at the gym during my cardio and weight routine. To make a long story short, I placed 1st in my first competition. This product was a great help to me and I'm sure it will be a great help to many athletes who compete like me. I can't even begin to tell you the things we do to break a sweat to loose extra water. I'm competing again June 8th and also July 5th and 6th. Winning first place got me a slot in the nationals and if I win I will turn pro! I will be wearing my pants during every workout up until the show. Thank you!


KW customer art tells us how it's done! what an inspiration

A proper diet and exercise will get you in shape, but Kutting Weight will get you there faster! I went from 256lbs to 217 lbs in under 5 months. Kutting Weight is the best piece of equipment I own!! I wear my sauna suit for outside workouts, I hike in it, I do yard work in it, and ride my bicycle in it! This is my testimony, I hope it helps and encourages others!


Jojo's journey towards weight loss success

Meet Jojo and learn how she lost 80 pounds in 4 months with the help of the Kutting Weight Suit!

Congratulations Jojo! You are an inspiration to many! Keep up the great work!!

"Hi, my name is Josefina (Jojo) for short. I've been a chunky girl all my life. Three years ago, when I met my now husband, I became happy and comfortable and slowly but surely my weight gradually started packing on because of drinking and partying EVERY weekend.

It was at my highest weight of 280 lbs that I became very depressed and didn't want to go out or do anything because nothing would fit. My husband surprised me with booked tickets to go to the Dominican Republic for October of this year 2013 I decided that I had to do something about my weight because I didn't want to take any FAT pics while on vacation.

One day I was searching YouTube for help on losing weight and that's when EVERYTHING changed! I saw one of Kutting Weight's video and right there and then I went on their website and ordered my first suit.

April 3, 2013, is when I started wearing my Kutting Weight Suit while going for my 3-mile walk. I was shocked at how much my body was heating up and burning calories. Within my first week of wearing my suit, I lost 10 lbs. I told my mom about it and she also bought the suit (LOL).

It's now the end of August 2013 and I have been wearing the Kutting Weight suit throughout the whole summer (keeping myself hydrated, of course) and I have lost a total of 80 lbs. I still have a long way to go but for losing 80 lbs in 4 months I think that's awesome.

I don't have a specific weight loss secret because I do eat! I love food but now I eat in moderation. Instead of eating a whole plate of rice with chicken, I cut my portions in half and save the rest for later. I drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits. As of now, my favorite is tomatoes with a little bit of salt, pepper, and a little olive oil—it tastes so good and it's filling. I go for a 3-hour walk every day. I don't look at as a diet I look at it as a change of lifestyle.

Has Kutting Weight helped me lose weight? Oh hell yes it has had a lot to do with my weight loss. I wouldn't have burned that many calories in one day if I was wearing regular working out clothes. For one, I'm not a sweater. I retain lots of water even though I drink a lot of water. The suit helps me sweat a lot and for that I'm thankful.

Kutting Weight you rock! This customer is a happy customer LOL cheesy but true.."


Learn how duran w. sheets uses his kutting weight clothing in his workout routine!

On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I teach Filipino Martial Arts at Smith Martial Arts Center in Hebron, Kentucky. We work standard FMA stick/knife/hand drills for 45 minutes to an hour. I am pictured with Amanda Carlisle doing a drill called Sumbrada. We conclude each class with Bas Rutten's 30 minute striking program (2-minute striking with 1 minute rest). I own the Kutting Weight top, pants, and the 3/4 suit. As a disabled veteran (Iraq), the therapeutic and mobility benefit trump even the weight loss benefit.

Thanks for making a great product that helps me to keep mobile and active.