Rhabdo: The Muscle Destroyer You've Never Heard About

Rhabdo: The Muscle Destroyer You've Never Heard About

Turn on any fitness infomercial or flip open any health magazine and you’ll notice a common trend: high intensity exercise....
Women & Weight Lifting: 5 Ways Lifting Weights Can Help with Fat Loss

Women & Weight Lifting: 5 Ways Lifting Weights Can Help with Fat Loss

When it comes to weight loss, the LAST thing that women think about is going near the dumbbells and barbells....
Exercise in the Morning for Better Weight Loss? Science Says...

Exercise in the Morning for Better Weight Loss? Science Says...

When you think about the ideal training time, you can’t help but picture that washed-up boxer who wakes up before...
Here’s How to Use Eccentric Training to Increase Weight Loss Results

Here’s How to Use Eccentric Training to Increase Weight Loss Results

How are your weight loss goals coming along? Did you reach your goal weight before beach season started? Or are...
4 Weight Loss Exercises that Will Never Die (And Why You Should Use Them)

4 Weight Loss Exercises that Will Never Die (And Why You Should Use Them)

Pick up any issue of a popular health and fitness magazine and I guarantee that you’re going to see an...
3 Fitness Clothing Trends that Actually Work

3 Fitness Clothing Trends that Actually Work

Every year, the fitness industry rolls out the newest set of exercise clothes. Some boost performance, others help with weight...
3 Diet Trends that Won’t Help You Lose Weight, Be Healthier

3 Diet Trends that Won’t Help You Lose Weight, Be Healthier

The rise and fall of trends in the fitness industry is like the passing of the seasons. Each year, some...
Targeting Belly Fat: Is It Possible? Here’s What Science Says

Targeting Belly Fat: Is It Possible? Here’s What Science Says

We all have that one spot that we want to lose a little more from. Sometimes it’s belly fat. Other...
Does Sweating More While Working Out Mean You Had a Better Workout?

Does Sweating More While Working Out Mean You Had a Better Workout?

We’ve all been there: Stepping out of the gym or exercise class covered from head to toe in sweat. We...