Fitness...It's a way of life! (part 2)
In our last blog, we talked about the “curse” of the Holidays and what to do to fight the increase in your belt line. In this part we continue to look at the benefits of embracing fitness… as a way of life.
So, you’ve decided to become fit? Is this for the long haul? Are you willing to be disciplined and dedicated to the task at hand?
All these questions are valid and bring about a real sense of renewal. Getting in shape is something that millions of Americans vow to do every year, yet only a certain percentage of people succeed. Let’s examine why.
At Kutting Weight, we provide our customers with state-of-the-art apparel that not only looks great, but has great functionality. We are also experienced and enthusiastic fitness professionals with years of training under our belt. Our expertise enables us to assess what works and what doesn’t and this gets translated to our products.
Our sauna suits provide a needed boost to get you going. If you think about it, most other sports apparel companies have some sort of sauna suit in their repertoire. The fabric (in our case, neoprene) helps heating your body up and reduce the risk of injuries amongst other things. The great news is that you don’t have to be an elite athlete to use our products. The best example is that, at this very moment, one of you is ordering our suit to go for a walk or a light jog, using a treadmill, etc. You are actively taking part in embracing a healthy lifestyle by doing just basic things.
Here is the secret: You don’t have to go to the gym, play a sport or obsess over calories… just get ACTIVE. Americans are less active than they were 20 years ago. We increase the calories we consume and decrease calories expended. This is where the problem starts… and ends. We spend more time in our cars, in front of the television, computers, etc. You get the picture.
The solution? Get started! Go outside, go for a walk, for 10 minutes, get some fresh air, eat a little less and more frequently, have a good breakfast, take a deep breath and enjoy our great Southern California weather! (if you are anywhere in this beautiful country of ours, getting in the snow is also a lot of fun!!)
At Kutting Weight, our mission is to provide you with the apparel to reach your fitness goals!
Get started!
Dustin and the crew at Kutting Weight.