Success Stories Featuring the Best Men's Sauna Suit

Science has been revealing the benefits of the best men’s sauna suit for the last several years. Worn during normal activities such as cleaning up around the house or during your workout, the best men’s sauna shirt activates a number of astounding weight loss and performance-based benefits. The studies are numerous and the results are clear but what about real life stories of success with the best men’s sauna suit? Let’s take a look at how the Kutting Weight line of sauna clothing including the best men’s sauna suit and the best men’s sauna shirt transformed the lives of numerous people.

William’s 175 Pound Weight Loss Using the Best Men’s Sauna Shirt

William weighed over 300 pounds. On top of being considered obese, he was also fighting to maintain some sense of normalcy in his life as his cardiovascular health was declining. Despite numerous trips to doctors and countless dosages of medication, William was told that he would not live to see his next birthday. This news was delivered shortly after the birth of his second son who was fighting for his own life. His son’s fighting spirit motivated William to begin to dramatically change his life. He opted for bariatric surgery and the best men’s sauna suit. Unable to move or work out post-surgery, William needed a way to promote fat loss without risking the tearing of his stitches.

The best men’s sauna shirt promoted a healthy weight loss for William despite him not being able to move. The natural increase in body temperature triggered an increase in metabolic rate, caloric expenditure, and overall weight loss. The result was a 175 pound reduction in weight within 15 months. (1, 2)

If you want to read more about William’s story and see the dramatic “Before and After” pictures, click here.

Stu Drops 60 Pounds, Becomes Healthier than His 20-Year Old Self

Like many guys, Stu always had an extremely fast metabolism growing up. He never thought twice about his weight or his health. After high school, Stu began to smoke. He never exercised and he didn’t think twice about what types of food he was eating. This vicious cycle quickly caught up with him. Stu had gained a considerable amount of weight and his overall health was suffering from the lack of activity and constant smoking. Realizing what he had become, Stu vowed to change his life. Setting off on his journey of transformation, Stu dropped smoking and picked up the best men’s sauna suit. At 42, Stu has become healthier than his 20-year old self and aims to only get better from here. Stu attributes his lifestyle change to the Kutting Weight best men’s sauna shirt and will continue using it as he strives to new heights of health.

If you want to read more about Stu’s story and see the dramatic “Before and After” pictures, click here.

From 302 to 162: Stephen’s 140 Pound Weight Loss

A family picture from a recent vacation was the reality check that Stephen needed to see in order to spurn his desire for change. He had not realized how much he had let himself go and upon his return to his home, he set out to change his life. Acquiring a new diet, workout plan, and the best men’s sauna suit, Stephen watched as his body changed before his eyes. 140 pounds later, Stephen still relies on the best men’s sauna shirt to keep him at the top of his game at home and in the gym.

If you want to read more about Stephen’s story and see the dramatic “Before and After” pictures, click here.


Being a subject in a controlled study provides you with everything you need to watch the results happen. Having a 9-to-5 job while tackling the responsibilities at home can make things challenging. Investing in the best men’s sauna suit from Kutting Weight is a proven way to promote a healthy weight loss. You don’t have to take our word for it. Read more about the numerous success stories of using the best men’s sauna shirt here. When you’re ready to make changes in your own life, check out the latest collection from Kutting Weight here.


  1. Dalleck, Lance. (2015) “Acute Benefits of Exercise with the Kutting Weight® Sauna Suit: Technical Report” Gunnison, CO. Western State Colorado University.
  1. Dalleck, Lance. (2015) “Chronic Health and Performance Benefits of Exercise withthe Kutting Weight® Sauna Suit: Technical Report” Gunnison, CO. Western State Colorado University.


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