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Common Muscle Building Goals for Men - How the Sauna Suit Can Help You Achieve It

Muscle building is, hands down, the most popular fitness goal for men across the globe. There is a constant need to attain that rock solid, muscular physique, prompting many men to search for ways to enhance their fitness progress. Men’s sauna suits and a men’s short sleeve sauna shirt are just two pieces in a long line of sauna gear that have been shown in various studies to support your fat burning and muscle building dreams. Let’s take a look at the different muscle-focused goals and how sauna clothing such as the men’s short sleeve sauna shirt can help get you there.

Losing Fat

Sure, most guys want to build muscle but they also want to be able to show it off. The first step to giving you a beach ready body is to chip away at the fat surrounding your muscle. Men’s sauna suits and a men’s short sleeve sauna shirt are one of the best ways to do this. Men’s sauna suits have been shown to provide the same benefits as an actual sauna. Wearing sauna gear during a workout has been shown to significantly increase the thermogenic effect in your body, ensuring a higher level of fat burning. (1) The result is more fat oxidation and a faster track to a leaner you.

Building Mass

What guy doesn’t want bigger muscles? Muscle mass is the result of muscular hypertrophy. Taxing and tearing the muscle fibers then providing the right amount of nutrition to ensure maximum growth: This is muscle mass 101. You don’t need to take dangerous supplements in order to improve your gains. Look no further than the men’s sauna suit and a men’s short sleeve sauna shirt. Sauna clothing has been shown to increase the presence of heat stress proteins, which results in a greater degree of muscular hypertrophy. The result is more mass. All you have to do is wear men’s sauna suits or a men’s short sleeve sauna shirt during your workout. (2)

Sculpting Muscle

Maybe you already have the level of muscle mass you want and you’re looking to start chiseling away at your midsection. A sculpted physique is the high point of muscle building. There’s nothing like the feeling of turning heads from afar simply because your triceps or abdominals are cut like diamonds. If you want to jump on the sculpting bandwagon, then you need to use the men’s sauna suit or men’s short sleeve sauna shirt. By simultaneously increasing your body’s ability to burn fat WHILE building large muscles, you can kill two birds with one stone. Men’s sauna suits and a men’s short sleeve sauna shirt also increase your recovery time, allowing you to get back in the gym sooner to work on that physique. (1, 2)


Aspiring to high levels of sculpted muscle mass doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. By arming yourself with a proven workout program, healthy diet plan, and elite men’s sauna suits or a men’s short sleeve sauna shirt, you can reach your goal in no time. Just be sure to put in the hard work and dedication. You can find men’s sauna suits and a men’s short sleeve sauna shirt in the extensive Kutting Weight collection.


  1. Crinnion WJ. Sauna as a valuable clinical tool for cardiovascular, autoimmune, toxicant- induced and other chronic health problems. Altern Med Rev. 2011 Sep;16(3):215-25.
  1. Masaki Iguchi, PhD, Andrew E. Littmann, MA, Shuo-Hsiu Chang, PhD, Lydia A. Wester, BS, Jane S. Knipper, RN, and Richard K. Shields, PhD. Heat Stress and Cardiovascular, Hormonal, and Heat Shock Proteins in Humans. J Athl Train. 2012 Mar-Apr; 47(2): 184–190.

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