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Picking the RIGHT equipment. Why it matters.

Over the last few months, we’ve talked about the importance of working out and the inherent benefits toward an overall happy and healthy life. However, you can have the best regimen, the greatest gym and the best motivation, but the wrong equipment and apparel will reduce the effectiveness of your plan.

You wouldn’t see a basketball player perform at its best dressed in jeans and flip-flops, or a football player without a protective helmet (unless you go back 100 years… God bless those poor people who ran into each other with minimal protection.) The same applies to you and your fitness routine. The right shoes and apparel will directly impact your workout and its efficiency. If you wear the wrong shoes, you face the real possibility of turning an ankle, if your clothing is too loose, you might get chafed in inopportune places… too tight, well… no one wants to see that either.

Sports apparel has come a long way over the last 10 years. Breathable fabrics, latest in lightweight gear will maximize performance, while making you look good in the process.

Let’s face it, if you look good, you will feel better about yourself and will be more inclined in continuing on the path to optimum fitness.

At Kutting Weight, our apparel is specifically tested by athletes who test the limits of endurance and performance every day. Our innovative designs are designed to enable you to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. We use only the most advanced fabrics and processes resulting in the best apparel available on the market today. We are constantly refining our approach to manufacturing by considering traditional factors such as cost, quality and service, alongside with our social impact and messaging which benefit you, our customer.

We invite you to visit our product page and see for yourself why Kutting Weight is the best sauna suit apparel available today.

Get outside, stay active, have fun!


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