5 Dumbbell Exercises You Can Do at Home

5 Dumbbell Exercises You Can Do at Home

Who says you need a gym membership to get in shape?

Sure, gyms are the ideal place to go due to the variety and amount of equipment they have but they are certainly not the ONLY option you have. If you want to start building a home gym for yourself, the best purchase that you can make is a set of dumbbells.

Dumbbells are the most convenient and effective fitness tool on the market. They are simple, easy to use, AND allow you to perform plenty of exercises for a full body workout. Let’s take a look at the most effective 5 dumbbell exercises that you can do at home.

  1. Side Oblique Dips

 Use this exercise to get a great oblique workout. This one emphasizes a full stretch.

  • Stand tall holding a dumbbell in one hand
  • Leave the dumbbell at your side
  • Focusing the contraction in your obliques, slowly bend towards the side with the dumbbell
  • Reverse the movement, bending back up and towards the opposite side
  • Continue this back and forth pattern
  • Once finished, switch hands
  1. Shoulder Press

This classic exercise is sure to help build up those shoulders, giving you the development you’re looking for.

  • Stand with a tight core while holding a pair of dumbbells
  • Curl the dumbbells up and push them to shoulder level with palms facing out
  • Focus the contraction in your shoulders as you press the dumbbells overhead
  • Pause at the top and slowly lower the dumbbells back down
  • Repeat
  1. Romanian Deadlifts

This is an excellent move to build up and define those hamstring muscles.

  • Stand with a tight core while holding a pair of dumbbells
  • Bend slightly at the knees as you drive your hips back
  • Keep the back straight throughout
  • Once your back is parallel with the ground, pause and feel the contraction in your hamstrings
  • Slowly return to the starting position and drive your hips forward
  • Repeat
  1. Dumbbell Rows

This exercise is going to focus on your back but don’t be surprised if you feel it in your biceps as well as they are the secondary movers here.

  • Stand with a tight core while holding a pair of dumbbells
  • Bend slightly at the knees as you drive your hips back
  • Keep the back straight throughout
  • Once your back is parallel with the ground, pause and reposition the dumbbells
  • Turn your hands so the palm is facing down and the dumbbells are horizontal
  • Contracting your back muscles, pull the dumbbells up and back
  • Try to touch your elbows
  • Hold the contraction and slowly lower to the starting position
  1. Dumbbell Swing

One of the best full body exercises that you can perform. It targets both your lower and upper body, giving you exactly what you need to see great results.

  • Place your feet outside of shoulder width
  • Hold on to the top of a dumbbell with both hands (you can also use both hands to hold the middle if it’s more comfortable)
  • Let the dumbbell hang between your legs
  • Begin the movement by bending your knees and driving your hips back into a squat
  • At the same time, swing the dumbbell up to shoulder level
  • Reverse the movement, standing up and letting the dumbbell come back down
  • Repeat

Tell Us What You Think! 

What dumbbell exercises do you use at home?

What results have you seen from a dumbbell only workout?

Let us know in the comments below!


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