Add In These Exercises to See Your Six-Pack

If there’s one thing that almost everyone wants to have when beach season gets here, it’s a lean and muscular midsection. Having defined abs is a fitness goal that crosses over between men and women, young and old. Not only do abs provide sex appeal, they also are a sign of core stability, which is ideal for your health. If you haven’t reached your six-pack goal yet, it’s not too late. Let’s review the best ab exercises and how the Kutting Weight sauna suit can help you burn fat around your midsection to emphasize your abdominals.


  1. Upper Abdominals
  • Full Extension Crunch
  • An upgraded version of the standard crunch. By increasing to a full range of motion in the upper abdominals, you’ll be able to feel and see a huge difference in your progress.
  • Recommended: 3 sets of 20 to 30 repetitions
  1. Lower Abdominals
  • Alternating Reaching Plank
  • A bit more difficult than your regular plank, the added movements pull your lower abdominals and hip flexors into the exercise.
  • Recommended: 3 x 15 - 25
  1. Deep Abdominals
  • Stomach Vacuum
  • A classic for bodybuilders. This exercise trains a deep layer of abdominal muscle tissue that is often neglected. This is one of the best exercises you can do.
  • Recommended: 3 x 15-30 seconds
  1. Obliques
  • Plate Loaded Oblique Side Bend
  • Adding weight to a side bend will help to make the sides of your core more defined. It’ll also make your waist look smaller by contrast.
  • Recommended: 3 x 15-25


  1. Sauna Suit & Water Weight Loss
  • One of the benefits of the neoprene weight loss sauna suit that you’ll see right away is the water weight loss. You’ll see this on the scale but also in the mirror as your midsection will look tighter and leaner. This may be temporary but the long term fat loss you get from the sauna suit is not. (1)
  1. Neoprene Weight Loss: Long Term Fat Burning
  • Losing water weight fast is great but the weight loss suit from Kutting Weight can also make sure you lose fat over the long term. One study showed that wearing the neoprene sauna suits resulted in an overall greater weight loss of up to 40%. (1)
  1. Weight Loss Suit: Ideal for Cutting
  • You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to enjoy the benefits of cutting. Cutting refers to training and eating with the intention of showing the explicit definition of your muscles. If you want to make your abs pop for the beach or your first pool party, the neoprene weight loss suit can help. By promoting fat burning and shedding water weight, the Kutting Weight sauna suit will make sure your abs are beach ready. (1)


  1. Supports Muscle Recovery
  • When you hit your core hard, you’re going to want to be able bounce back in time for the next training day. Weight loss clothes have been shown to promote repair and recovery processes in the body. This will help to reduce soreness and further your progress. (2)
  1. Promotes Cardiovascular Health
  • When you wear the sauna suit on a regular basis, you will help to reduce cardiometabolic risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. That means you won’t have to worry about getting a bad report from the doctor. (3)
  1. Boosts Performance
  • One of the biggest surprises that we found with the weight loss suit was its ability to increase your performance. Subjects wearing the suit saw an increase in their total fatigue time or endurance by up to 61.7%. Imagine the effect that this could have if you are an athlete! (3)


The right exercises are only half the battle when it comes to seeing that ripped six-pack. You also need to be consistent in the kitchen. To really have those abdominal muscles shine through, you may want to consider a caloric deficit diet. Talk with your doctor or personal trainer about the right caloric intake for you.


  1. Dalleck, Lance. (2015) “Acute Benefits of Exercise with the Kutting Weight® Sauna Suit: Technical Report” Gunnison, CO. Western State Colorado University.
  1. Patrick, Dr. Rhonda. “Are Saunas the Next Big Performance-Enhancing ‘Drug’?” N.D. Web.
  1. Dalleck, Lance. (2015) “Chronic Health and Performance Benefits of Exercise with the Kutting Weight® Sauna Suit: Technical Report” Gunnison, CO. Western State Colorado University.


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