Summer Sale - Save 25% Off! No Codes Necessary

We're calling on you to create a short 1-3-minute video clip on your experience with Kutting Weight apparel!  As a thank you, we'll even throw in a $20 Amazon Giftcard.

Interested in creating a video clip for us to promote?

Please follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a video clip including:
    • What your fitness goals are
    • Why you decided to purchase from Kutting Weight
    • What activities you use the apparel for
    • How long you’ve been using the apparel
    • Any results you've noticed so far
  1. Find the product you purchased on our Amazon page
  2. Upload your video review in the "Write a customer review" option
  3. Take a screenshot of your review
  4. Email the screenshot to

Need some inspiration? Check out a video below.  


Please feel free to email us with any questions. We're looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

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