5 Little and Easy Changes to Make This New Year

The New Year is here! From television to YouTube to your friend ranting at brunch, you may be constantly bombarded by talk of resolutions for the New Year. Despite the huge endeavors that many people seem to be going after, it doesn’t take much to see a positive impact on your day to day life. If climbing Mount Everest or sailing the entire coast isn’t on your list this year, that’s okay. Here are 5 easy change you can make to see a huge difference in 2017.
- Drink More Water
Despite hearing it all the time, there’s a really good chance that you aren’t fulfilling your daily recommended intake of water. The standard suggestion is still eight full glasses of water each day. Water is the most important nutrient that you can provide your body each day. From cleansing to repair, water really is life so drink up.
- Start a New Hobby
Have you ever considered taking a ballroom dancing class?
Want to learn how to make soap?
Have a yearning to be a host at a wine tasting?
There’s no better time than now to start. Many classes and hobby-based workshops offer New Year discounts for new members so get started on that hidden talent of yours. It’s easy, it’s fun, and you’ll be adding one more interesting quality to your repertoire.
- Get Outside
Whether it’s a walk around the block or a hike up a mountain, getting outside more often is something you really should consider doing. Being outside allows your body to soak up some sun, which is vital in the formation of Vitamin D, a critical nutrient. You’ll also be enjoying the fresh air while clearing your mind. You may find yourself more relaxed after a walk, able to be more productive and not sweating the small stuff as much.
- Spend Quality Time with Friends (Outside of a Bar)
The bar is the classic meeting ground for friends, new and old. This year, try thinking outside the box. Why not go to a wine and drawing class with your friend? How about a competitive trip to the gym? Doing something outside of the norm of the bar will help to foster a deeper friendship and may help you discover new things about your buddy. Save the bar for a special occasion like when you both have had terrible days at work.
- Be More Patient
Think about 2016 and the number of times that you lost your patience. Did it ever end well? Did anything ever get accomplished from road rage and flipping out? This new year, try to be more patient with yourself as well as other people. You can do this by taking three deep breaths before reacting to a situation. It’ll take practice, of course, but this may just be the thing that transforms your New Year.
Tell Us What You Think!
Are you currently doing any of these things?
Have any more suggestions for things you need to be doing this year?
Let us know in the comments below!